Our Instructors

I began my study of the Pilates method by taking mat classes twice a week while living in the Princeton, New Jersey in 2000. Eventually, after taking some private reformer lessons and working on the other apparatuses, I fell in love with the Pilates method. It made me feel great physically as well as mentally.
In 2007 I was certified through Romana's Pilates at True Pilates Studio in New York with over 900 hours of apprenticing under the supervision of Romana Kryzanowska and her daughter Sari Meija Santo, as well as Anthony Rabara in Princeton New Jersey. After I was certified, I taught in Anthony's studio until I moved back to Wisconsin at the end of 2010. Since moving back to Wisconsin, I have been traveling to Pilates Connection in Evanston, Illinois to take lessons as well as continuing education seminars with Juanita Lopez, Level 1 Master Instructor, and Rhonda Celenza, Level 2 Instructor Trainer. It is with this knowledge and understanding of the Pilates Method that has allowed me to become a Level IV Instructor Trainer for Romana's Pilates.
Through our training, both Anna and I have been to taught to teach "Any Body" Pilates, whether you have been physically fit your entire life or taking your first exercise class ever! We both look forward to showing you how Pilates can improve both your body and your life!

I was introduced to Pilates over 15 years ago. My physical therapist (who was treating me for degenerative and bulging discs in my lower lumbar spine) suggested I try Pilates to strengthen my "core" which would then strengthen my back. I tried Pilates as an alternative therapy to avoid spinal fusion, and I have been practicing Pilates ever since! My success was my main motivation to go through the Pilates Instructor Training program.
In November of 2015 I completed over 900 hours of the teacher training program at Pilates Connection in Evanston, Illinois. I am now a Romana's Pilates certified trainer. Being part of the teacher training program, under the masterful supervision of both Rhonda Celenza (a Level 2 instructor), and Juanita Lopez (a Level 1 instructor), was by far the most inspirational and beneficial journey I have ever completed.
It is my mission to stay active both teaching my clients and continuing lessons with Rhonda and Juanita and also to participate in professional seminars and workshops. I am so excited to be part of Romana's Pilates and I hope my excitement and my knowledge will benefit the lives (and bodies) of my clients.

Nicole FELIX
I was introduced to Pilates over five years ago. I have always been into health and fitness and once I found Pilates, it changed my life forever. The benefits I got from pilates were amazing. I began to work muscles I never knew I had and learned a deeper understanding of the body and mind and how it is supposed to move and work. Through Pilates I have been able to correct my poor posture from my previous career. After a year of taking private lessons twice a week, I knew I wanted to share this beautiful method with other people and help them find that healthy change in their own bodies.
In August 2017, I completed the Romana's Pilates Instructor Training Program at Pilates Connection in Evanston, Illinois with over 900 hours of apprenticing, teaching and learning under Juanita Lopez (level 1), Rhonda Celenza (level 2) and Jane Rumack.
I look forward to sharing my knowledge and passion for Pilates with my clients and hope to make a positive difference in their body and mind, as well as enhance their everyday life.